Project Information Report

This guide will cover:

Note: This report automatically downloads as an Excel Spreadsheet.



This report provides a listing of all projects and detailed information regarding each project to help users identify principal investigators, project coordinators, project managers, project start and end dates, etc. Additionally, this report can be used to identify the active projects in each organization.


Step One

Navigating to the Transactional Table of Contents

  • Navigate to WyoCloud and click on the Reporting Table of Contents tile.

Step Two

Running the Project Information Report

  • Under the "Grants Management - Awards and Projects" heading on the Table of Contents, select Project Information.

  • The report page will open in a new tab (see screenshot below):


Step Three

Narrowing Down the Report

  • You may use the following prompts to narrow the report to only show data that is relevant to your needs. It is recommended to prompt by project number or project organization. (Note: in most cases, you can leave a prompt blank or leave the default in any prompts).

    • Project Number – project number

    • Project Status – status of project (Active, Pending Close, Closed, or Draft). Note: this prompt defaults to show only Active projects, but can be changed as needed.

    • Project Organization – organization name of the department assigned to the project

    • Project Type – type of project (UW Grant, UW Cost Share with specific funding sources, UW Grant Internal with specific funding sources)

    • Project Start Date  – the date the project started (greater than or equal to)

    • Project Finish Date – the date the project ended (greater than or equal to)

    • Department Projects – The department name the project(s) is assigned to that will provide a listing of all organizations within that department and their projects

    • Subdivision Projects – The subdivision name the project(s) is assigned to that will provide a listing of all organizations and departments within that subdivision and their projects.

    • Principal Investigator – The principal investigator (PI) assigned to the project. The Principal Investigator is the individual who holds primary responsibility for technical compliance, completion of programmatic work, and fiscal stewardship of sponsor funds.


  • When finished, click "Apply."

  • The report will load in the screen. (See the screenshot below for an example):


Step Four

Interpreting the Project Information Report

  • The following columns are included:

Column Name


Project Number

Project number assigned.

Project Name

Name of project.

Project Type

Type of project related to the grant (UW Grant, UW Grant Cost Share, UW Grant Cost Share – Foundation, UW Grant Cost Share – Indirect Cost, UW Grant Cost Share – Tire 1 Engineering, and UW Grant Cost Share – Unrestricted).

Project Status

Status of project (Active, Pending Close, Closed, Draft, or Submitted).

Project Start Date

The date the project starts.

Project Finish Date

The date the project ends.

Project Closed Date

The date the project closed.

Project Coordinator/Administrator

The Office of Sponsored Program (OSP) coordinator assigned to the project. This role executes the administrative functions of a project, particularly related to collecting and entering information into the project application. Ensures proper billing and cost transfers.

Project Principal Investigator

The principal investigator (PI) assigned to the project (note: in most cases this will be blank until the department requests an update because the PI is assigned at the award level of the project). This role controls and monitors the technical direction and academic quality of research projects such as laboratory studies or clinical trials. Ensures that projects comply with the terms, conditions, and policies defined by the sponsor and the institution. Owns ultimate responsibility for the management of the sponsored research award, especially in cases where funding is obtained from federal agencies such as the NIH. 


Project Manager

The project manager assigned to the project. This role manages the execution and completion of a single project. This role works with the Project Administrator to create budgets, plans, and schedules. Sources and allocates resources such as labor, subcontractors, materials, and equipment. Tracks physical and financial project performance, changes, and issues. Communicates status and project performance to program managers and project executives.

Project F&A Schedule

The project F&A Schedule. If this field is blank, please use the Award F&A Schedule on the report.

Project Organization

Organization name the project is assigned to.

Project Grant Funding Type

Type of funding the project received (Federal Direct, Federal Pass-Through, Non-Federal, Indirect Costs, Designated, and Unrestricted).

Project Grant Fund Source

Source of the funding the project received (State of Wyoming, Other States, Federal Direct Sponsored Funds, etc.).


Entity GL segment assigned to the project – Derived from the entity associated with the Project Organization in the POET string.

Fund Class

Fund Class GL segment assigned to the project – Derived from the Project Type.

Fund Source

Fund Source GL segment assigned to the project – Derived from the Project Grant Fund Source.


Organization code GL segment assigned to the project – Derived from the Project Organization in the POET string.

Expense Classification

Expense Classification GL segment assigned to the project – Derived from the Award Type.

Award Number

Award number (the project rolls up to a parent award number in the system).

Award Type

The type of the award assigned (public service – sponsored, research – sponsored, instruction – sponsored)

Award Status

Status of the award (Active, Expired, Closed, Cancelled, Draft, Under Amendment).

Award Sponsor

The entity that has granted the funding to the university.

Award Principal Investigator

The principal investigator (PI) assigned at the award level for each associated project. This role controls and monitors the technical direction and academic quality of research projects such as laboratory studies or clinical trials. Ensures that projects comply with the terms, conditions, and policies defined by the sponsor and the institution. Owns ultimate responsibility for the management of the sponsored research award, especially in cases where funding is obtained from federal agencies such as the NIH.

Award F&A Schedule

The F&A Schedule for the Award

Invoice Method Name

Determines the calculation method of invoice amounts for contracts during invoice generation.

Revenue Method Name

Determines the basis for calculating revenue amounts.

Award Start Date

Date the award started

Award End Date

Date the award ended


Step Five

Exporting the Data to Excel

  • The options to export and/or print are located on the top right side of the report:

  1. Click on the gear icon

  2. Hover over the Export option

  3. Click on Excel (*xlsx)


This completes all the steps of running the Project Information report.

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