To accommodate the request for web log data for websites located on the UW central servers, the following methods of providing web log files are available.
- Statistics are available at
- It is possible for more sophisticated users to access the entire website logs that are generated, copy them to their computer, and manipulate them any way they need to. Access to the website logs is gained via a LAN share: select the Start menu, click Run, and type \\servername\web_logs$\, where servername is the web server your site resides on You can then drill down to the specific log files you are interested in. Log files are kept for each individual virtual web server. Only Web logs for the previous six months will be kept, and if space becomes an issue, it may be necessary to decrease that timeframe in the future.
- Though statistical analysis is not provided for DNS hosted sites, access to the raw log files is provided for you to process manually. The share location for the files can be accessed by going to \\servername\web_logs$, whereservername is the main part of your DNS hosted site's name. For example, if your site is named, the share is \\business\web_logs$; if your site is named, the share is\\sixthmanclub\web_logs$.