Uninstall SAS 9.3


This process has several steps. When finished, the uninstall does leave behind the SAS program folders and the SAS program group. These may be manually deleted.


  1. To uninstall under Windows 7, first navigate to the control panel. Once there, click on Uninstall a program, or, if you have your display set to large or small icons, click on Programs and Features.
  2. Scroll down and locate SAS 9.3. Click on it to highlight it, then click on Uninstall.
  3. In the Choose Setup Language screen, verify that English is selected, and click OK.
  4. In the Select SAS Products To Uninstall screen, click on Select All to make sure all SAS components are selected.

    SAS Deployment Manager window

  5. Click on Next in the Checking System screen when it finishes.

    SAS Deployment window

  6. Click on Start in the Summary screen. At this point SAS components will uninstall.

    SAS Deployment window

  7. Click on Finish on the Deployment Complete screen.

    SAS Deployment window
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