Resolve Over-Quota Problems for Personal and Group WAREHOUSE Storage


Warehouse storage refers to a network folder to which you, and possibly others, have access. Many people access this folder on their computer through a mapped drive letter which can be any unused drive letter.  

The benefits and advantages of network storage include:

  • Data is available from any computer on campus, making it easy for users to collaborate on projects.
  • Storage is located on high-performance, redundant servers for quick and reliable access.
  • Data is backed up on a daily basis.
  • Users have complete control over security and access.

If you are close to becoming over quota in your Personal or Group Warehouse storage folder or have already exceeded it, you may receive a message to notify you of this. This message will initially be sent to the individual that caused the quota to reach this level and will continue to be sent to all individuals that access the folder after this time and prior to solving the issue.

These folders are created with a certain default size when they are originally requested unless otherwise specified. This size will depend on whether the folder is a Group folder or a Personal folder. For information on the default level of storage and the cost of adding additional storage, see the IT Data Storage page.

The reason that you are receiving a notification message is that you have exceeded at least 90% of the allotted quota for this folder. The message will be similar to the following:

NOTE: In these messages, the E: does not refer to the drive letter you have chosen to map to this folder.

Personal Storage Messages

Quota limit is approaching for UWYO\username on E:\Warehouse\UserStorage\UsersXX\username.
Current Used <#>MB with a PermQuota of <#>MB.


Quota Exceeded for UWYO\username on E:\Warehouse\UserStorage\UsersXX\username.
Current used is <#>MB with a PermQuota of <#>MB.

Group Storage Messages

Quota limit is approaching for UWYO\username on \\Warehouse\GroupStorageName.
Current Used is <#>MB with a PermQuota of <#>MB.


Quota Exceeded for UWYO\username on \\Warehouse\GroupStorageName.
Current used is <#>MB with a PermQuota of <#>MB.

This document is intended to assist in resolving over-quota problems for personal and group Warehouse storage.


  1. If there are files in this folder that can be deleted or moved to a local folder on your computer to free up space, do so. If the folder is a group folder which others have access to as well, you may want to notify them of the problem. Each individual may need to assess his or her own data to determine what can and cannot be removed. 
  2. If you are not able to free up space in this manner, you may want to consider requesting a quota increase for this folder. The current cost of additional storage and the increments allowed are specified on the Data Storage Page. Network Storage increases can be requested through your IT user consultant or by contacting the IT Client Support Services Help Desk. Please have the consent of your departmental billing coordinator or appropriate departmental authority prior to making a request.


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