Enroll Additional Devices and Manage Your 2FA Devices

The specific screens and options for this procedure can vary by device, browser, and previous account configuration.  If what you see in the procedure does now allow you to complete the steps, please call the UWIT Help Desk at 307-766-4357.


It is strongly recommended that you enroll more than one device in case your primary device becomes unavailable.  A Yubikey is a good option for this.

  1. It is recommended to complete the following steps through a browser on a computer with your phone for the Duo activation.  Start by opening an Incognito/Private window of your browser of choice.  This will allow access to the two factor screens even if you normally use the Remember for 14 days check box.

In Chrome:

In Firefox:

In Edge:

In Safari:

  1. Go to WyoSecure.  This process will look most consistent from this login. Complete the first step of authentication with your username and password.

  1. If your two factor is set up to automatically call you, you will need to cancel that call.  This will allow you to select your settings rather than enter WyoSecure.

  1. Click My Settings & Devices.

  1. To be able to change your settings and devices, you will need to two factor now.  You can do that with a Push, call, or Yubikey on this screen, even though the call option is not available elsewhere.

  1. Click on Add another device.

  1. Follow the screens to enroll another device.  The screens will vary depending on the type of device you are enrolling.

To manage your devices:

  1. Click on My Settings & Devices
  2. Confirm your identity by authenticating with one of your previously enrolled devices
  3. From the Settings window, you can rename and delete devices
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