ZOOM for iOS Devices

Tags Zoom ios


Zoom cloud meetings works on your iOS devices such as iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. You can download the Zoom app from the Apple AppStore or search "Zoom" on Safari. It will direct you to http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zoom.us-cloud-video-meetings/id546505307 

User Guide

Once you have the Zoom app installed, tap the zoom application icon on your iOS device to open Zoom. 

Once the Zoom app is open, you can choose to Sign In or Join a Meeting.

On the sign in page select SSO.

In the Login with SSO box enter UWYO.

You will be redirected to the WyoLogin where you need to login with your UWYO username and password.

After successfully authenticating the ZOOM web page will ask if you want to open the app.  Click on Open.


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