How to Create a Reservation Multimedia Equipment or Mobile Device via WebCheckout

  1. Go to , or use one of the links on the ASU Homepage, and login using your UWYO username and password.

  1. Select the appropriate Checkout Center. ‘Information Technology Multimedia Checkout Center’ for Multimedia equimpent. Specific colleges will be listed if you are eligble for mobile device checkout from that particular school.

Click on the “Create New Reservation” button to begin.

  1. Using the date and time fields in the ‘Create New Reservation’ section, select the dates and times for your reservation (one week max). Tip: note schedule and/or other conflict errors that may be flagged for you in the upper left corner of the webpage.

Conflict error notification(s)

  1. Click the ‘Add Resources’ button. In the Add Resources section, choose the equipment you wish to check out. Common selections may include one camera, and one tripod.

Be sure to add the device to your reservation by clicking on the “Add” button next to the device number.


  1. Click on “Review and Submit” in the upper right corner of the webpage, or in the “Create New Reservation” section once reservation is complete and all conflict(s) (if any) are resolved.

Look for the confirmation notification.

Reminder: Pick up is at room 160 in the Information Technology Center (ITC), 1710 E. Sorority row.

Note: You will see your Reservations and Checked out equipment in the initial Webcheckout login page.


For further assistance, pick-up, or walk-in service for Webcheckout, feel free to visit the ITC Walk-in Service Center, 1710 E. Sorority Row, room 160, M-F, 9am-4:00pm.

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