Complete IRS W-9 with DocuSign

Step One

  • Click the highlighted "DocuSign" link provided on the first page of your supplier registration.

  • This link will redirect you to the University of Wyoming DocuSign homepage. Here you will enter your full name and email address.


Step Two

  • The page containing the W-9 form will then be routed to you. You must check the box next to "I agree to electronic records and signatures" before continuing to enter your information.

  • After that, you can begin entering your information on the W-9 form. Make sure to accurately enter all of your information, including your name, and address.
  • Also make sure to check the correct box that corresponds to your federal tax classification as the person whose name is entered on line 1.


Step Three

  • After accurately entering all the information, you can proceed to sign the document. You have three options for signing using DocuSign. Examples can be seen below.

  • Once you have decided on your preferred signature, click finish.

  • You can then download a copy of your signed document to upload to your supplier profile. You must download the signed document right away. It will NOT be emailed to you and will NOT be available once you’ve exited your browser.

  • All requirements for using DocuSign to sign your W-9 form have been met and you can upload your IRS W-9 to the supplier registration.


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