Having trouble logging in?
Here are the instructions to log into WyoRecords. If you have forgotten your password, please call the UWIT Help Desk at 307-766-4357 and they can help you reset your password. The other issue that can happen during logging in is the error "A login process is already in progress for your current session" and that can be resolved with these instructions.
WyoRecord pages not loading completely?
- Clear your browser cache by consulting the knowledge article Clearing Cache.
- Try another browser.
- Make sure pop-up ups are allowed by consulting the knowledge article Pop-Up Enabling.
Looking for a feature and not finding it where it used to be?
- The WyoRecord layout has been optimized to allow for better functionality on mobile device web browsers. Look for menus to expand instead of individual tiles for the feature.
- Consult the knowledge article Changes with Release of Banner 9 for a high-level overview of the changes to faculty, advisor, and student self-service.
- Consult the knowledge article Changes to the Registration Process for step-by-step instructions on the new process.
Having trouble accessing WyoRecords from wireless or off-campus?
Make sure you are connected to the WyoSecure via the VPN. Instructions can be found in the Ivanti Secure knowledge base category.