Information regarding the Qualtrics brand migration on 3/23/2021

On 3/23/2021 Qualtrics migrated the University Qualtrics brand(s) listed below to the Universities UWYO brand.

  • uwyopsych
  • uwyopharmacy
  • uwyoeducation
  • uwyocommunications
  • uwyocj
  • uwyobusiness
  • uwgeriatric
  • singuserh3hmwgf9
  • singuser50416d5f
  • singuser06b930a9

Users of these brands can now access their surveys using the UW SSO,  To login enter your domain username and domain password.

The migration moves users and surveys but most of the additional infrastructure will need to be recreated.

Things that were moved:

  • Users
  • Surveys - linked to survey owners
    • Survey data
    • Survey distribution links 
  • Actions - linked to action owners

Things that were NOT moved:

  • Survey sharing - sharing of surveys through collaboration or groups will need to be recreated.  The quickest way to do this will be to contact the survey owner directly and have them set up collaboration. If you are in a division you should contact a division administrator for assistant.  If you need to set up a group outside of a division contact the UWYO brand manager.
  • SMS distributions - UW is not doing survey SMS distribution due to potential legal issues. You will need to set up a different method of distribution.
  • Project folder structure/organization - survey/project folder organization will need to be set by survey owners.
  • More unusual Qualtrics functionality will need to be recreated under the UWYO brand.

The following issues have been identified:

  • Missing all surveys when you log in - If you are missing all of your surveys it is likely that a duplicate account was created that you cannot directly access.  Please submit a HelpDesk ticket and your surveys will be moved to your UWYO brand account.
  • Missing some surveys when you log in -  If you were collaborating on the missing survey contact the survey owner and have them setup the collaboration again.  If you are the survey owner of the missing survey please contact the UWYO brand manager.
  • Unable to access Qualtrics – Please make sure you are using the UW SSO and entering your domain username and password.  Usernames and passwords from the previous University brand are no longer accepted.


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