If you have a UW account that has an active email address, it is best to connect to UWyo secure wireless. This will only require configuration once, as opposed to every time you want to connect. In addition, the connection will not time out like UWyo Guest and it is a more secure connection.
If you have a UW account
If you have a UW account, you can log into UWyo secure wireless. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to use UWyo network.
Tap on Settings, and choose Wifi. Tap on UWyo. When prompted, enter your UW username and password. This will connect you to UWyo secure wireless.
Select Trust for the certificate.
If you have do not have a UW account
If you do not have a UW account, you will want to connect to UWyo Guest. Tap on Settings and choose Wifi. Tap on UWyo Guest (not the blue arrow on the right). This will connect you to UWyo Guest.
The UWyo Guest portal will open and you will need to agree to the UW terms of use.
If you agree, then select Login.
You will then be redirected to the UW website and then select Done. You will then be connected to the UWyo Guest network.
If you need any help connecting to these networks, please contact the UWIT Help Desk at 766-4357, option 1 or by emailing