Creating a Position Budget in EPM

This guide will cover:



This guide will show you how to create a position budget in the WyoCloud EPM Cloud Planning module. Prior to creating a budget, you should set up preferences and understand the terminology within the system. Please refer to the Setting System Preferences & User Variables QRG.


Step One

The Position Planning cluster within the Enterprise Performance Management module allows users to budget and monitor position-level data.  

There are eight (8) position planning cards. These cards allow the user to budget, plan, review, and track changes to their position’s budgets.

TimelineDescription automatically generated


Step Two

Position Planning Cards



Organization Detail

Shows an organization’s Roster and Costing data by employee, position, start date, FTE, Loaded Salary, Salary Adjustment, Supplemental Pay, Comp Plan, Job Code, Worker Category and Comment. Users will enter/adjust start date, Salary Adjustment, Job Code, Worker Category and Comment data in this card. Users can also request new positions.

Division Detail


This card has the same data and capability as the Organizational Detail card. The user can enter and review data at any level in the hierarchy.

Employee Detail

Shows Roster and Costing data for a specific employee. Users can enter/adjust start date, Salary Adjustment, Job Code, Worker Category and Comment data in this card for a specific employee.

Non-Benefited Entry

Non-benefited/part-time positions are entered in this card. Data can be entered for a specific non-benefitted employee or group of employees.

Review Compensation

Review Compensation displays aggregate position data by Organization, Fund Class-Source and Account. The data is displayed by Loaded Salary, Salary Adjustment, Supplemental Pay, Costing Fringe Benefits, and Total Comp Plan. All of the data is read-only in this review form.

Validations by Org

Shows data validation rules for budgeted positions. The validations include: Under 100%, Over 100%, Salary is set but no funding percentage, Salary cannot be negative.

Check Sync Flags

This card will show if a sync is required between HR (position planning) and Plan (organization budget)

HR Initial vs. HR Working

This shows the total dollar variance in the initial position data load and the current Working version for position accounts and organization.


Step Three

Request a new Benefited Position

  • Click on the Organization, Division, or Employee Detail Card and Roster by Org is displayed (each Card provides unique employee information – by Organization, Division, or Individual Employee). If roster results don’t immediately display, see Card POV Tips.
  • Card POV Tips



  • Adding a new position
  1. Right click on an existing position or the Position header

  2. Click Requests

  3. Select Add New Request

  • Complete the fields in the dialogue box and click Launch

  • Once a new position is requested it will show in the Requested Positions section

  • Once the requested position has been reviewed, left click on the position select Requests and click on Move to Reviewed

  • The Budget Office will review all requested positions and either approve or reject the request. Approved positions will be moved into the Approved Positions section while rejected position requests will be moved to Rejected Positions

  • Delete a requested Position

    • In Organization Detail right click on the position in the Requested Positions section and click Delete Request

  • Fill or Vacate a Position

    • Any position can be vacated by right clicking on the position and selecting Fill or Vacate Position” then clicking on Vacate Position

    • Any vacant position can be filled by right clicking on the position and selecting “Fill or Vacate Position” then clicking on Fill Vacancy

  • Navigate to Employee and GL Costing for Employees

    • In the Organization Detail or Division Detail cards right click on any employee and select Navigate to Employee Costing

    • In the Organization Detail card right click on an employee and select Navigate to GL Costing for Employee

  • Push HR to Plan

    • This will push the position data into the Budget and Planning forms

    • On any form right click on a position and select Push HR to Plan


Enter Non-Benefited Position Data

  • Select the Non-Benefited Entry card:

  1. Right click on any line within the form (including headers)

  2. Select Add New Line

  3. Complete the fields in the dialogue box

  4. Click Launch



This completes the Creating a Position Budget in WyoCloud Enterprise Performance Management processes.

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