This guide will cover:
When creating a Non-Catalog Requisition, Shopping Lists provide convenience when ordering frequently purchased or numerous items.
Prior to creating a non-catalog shopping list, please confirm that the items are not available in the Procurement Catalogs.
Items available via the Procurement Catalogs should be purchased via the Create a Procurement Catalog Requisition process due to the university’s partnership with specifically contracted and approved suppliers within WyoCloud and pre-negotiated pricing.
Navigate to the Procurement area of WyoCloud from WyoWeb
Create Shopping List
Goods billed by quantity
A physical item is being purchased
Services billed by amount
Services being purchased that have a fixed cost
Services billed by quantity
Services that may have variable costs (e.g. billable hours)
Fewer fields appear when selecting Services billed by amount versus Goods billed by quantity or Services billed by quantity.
Item Description
Description of item and purpose of the requisition.
Category Name
Procurement Categories may be typed into this field or use the grey search icon to use advanced search. For a full list of available Procurement Categories and descriptions, see Requisition Categories in the Policies and Reference Materials section of the Financial Affairs website / Procurement and Payment Services
Number of specific item you are purchasing.
UOM Name
Unit of Measure (most commonly each)
Cost (if you select Each in UOM this is the price each)
Check this box on ALL requisition lines (this will prompt a PO number to be assigned automatically after all approvals are completed).
Type the supplier name or use the gray search icon for advanced search.
Supplier Site
Drop down of available supplier sites.
In the pop up window will be any shopping lists you have previously created. To add this item to one of these lists, simply click on the list and then Save and Close.
If you would like to create a new list, click on the plus sign (+) to add a list. Type what you’d like to name the list, then Save and Close.
Viewing your shopping lists and adding items to requisitions
From the Purchase Requisitions screen, select Shopping Lists to view a list of all shopping lists you have created.
To view items within a given shopping list, click the list name.
You have now completed the steps to Create a Non-Catalog Shopping List.