The Procure to Pay report will aid in reviewing the life cycle of purchase requisitions submitted on behalf of departments. This report will show the status of all purchase requisitions and the purchase order numbers associated with each requisition. This report should be used to view any outstanding purchase orders.
This guide will cover:
The Procure to Pay report will aid in reviewing the life cycle of purchase requisitions submitted on behalf of departments. After a purchase requisition is submitted and approved it is dispatched to the supplier as a purchase order (PO). Each purchase order needs to be receipted in WyoCloud Financial Management System through the receipt process. And invoices need to be received by Payment Services to match against the purchase order. Both the receipt and invoice need to match in order for payment to the supplier to be initiated. If either the receipt or invoice is missing, the purchase order will remain open.
All purchase orders that do not have any outstanding goods/services to be rendered should reach a status of closed or finally closed. This report will help aid departments and the Procurement Service Office on what purchase orders remain open.
It is recommended to review this report periodically and more frequent towards the end of the fiscal year. It is best to close out purchase orders for goods/services that have been received prior to June 30th.
If you have questions regarding a purchase order, please contact Procurement Services.
Step One
Navigating to the Transactional Table of Contents
- Navigate to WyoCloud and click on the Reporting Table of Contents tile.

Step Two
Locating the Report on the Table of Contents

Step Three
Narrowing down and Running the Procure to Pay report with Prompts
You may use any of the following prompts at the top of the screen to narrow the report to show data that is relevant to your needs.
Note: in most cases, you can leave a prompt blank or leave the default in any prompts.
Requisition – the requisition’s associated number
Purchase Order Number – the purchase order’s associated number
Requester – individual listed at the requester on the requisition
Organization Number – chart of account segment code for the organization
Organization Name – title of the organization
PO Status – where the purchase order is at in the approvals process
Funds Status – status of funds allocation
Supplier Name – individual or company that supplies the good or service
Project Number – project number if applicable
Requisition Date Between – range of dates the requisition was submitted within
When finished, click Continue.

Step Four
Interpreting the report

- Only a limited amount of rows will display. To view more rows, scroll to the bottom of the report and click the arrows to show more columns or follow Step Five to export the report.

Step Five
Exporting the data to Excel

This completes all of the steps for running the Procure to Pay report.