I want to create, modify or delete an Exchange Resource.


An Exchange Resource is a special Exchange account that represents a resource (conference rooms, vehicles, AV equipment, etc.) instead of a person. Exchange Resources allow for shared scheduling of these items. Please see Resource below for more information. 

Available to

This is available to faculty, staff, and students.


To request an Exchange Resource, please click "Request Service."


Each Exchange Resource costs $1 per month with a six month minimum. 

Request Service

Related Articles (5)

Information about the amenities available in rooms
Information about the roles of a Resource Owner and a Resource Delegate
An Exchange Resource is a special Exchange account that represents a resource (conference rooms, vehicles, AV equipment, etc.) instead of a person. Exchange Resources allow for shared scheduling of these items.
An Exchange Resource is a special Exchange account that represents a resource (conference rooms, vehicles, AV equipment, etc.) instead of a person. Exchange Resources allow for shared scheduling of these items.
Information about the security limitations with Exchange Resources


Service ID: 9613
Wed 7/15/15 8:39 AM
Sun 3/31/19 3:57 PM