I can't see my WyoCourse


There are several reasons that you may not be able to see your WyoCourse:

1) Courses are set to be accessible to students at 6 pm the day before the class starts if the course is published. You will not be able to access the course earlier unless the professor has changed the access dates and published the course.

2) The professor may be using WyoCourses and the course may not be published at all over the semester.

3) My Courses/WyoGroups have not been customized to show your most recent classes

To see if your class is published and to add it to your My Courses/WyoGroups follow the steps below

1. Go to wyocourses.uwyo.edu and log in

2. Under Courses & Groups, click All Courses.

3. On this page you will see the classes that you are enrolled in for the current semester. If you scroll down you will also see your past classes.



Note: If the class says unpublished, like below, you will not be able to use WyoCourses to view the class material. 

4. To add a class My Course/WyoGroups you will want to make sure the star is highlighted in yellow. 

If the star is not highlighted in yellow, the class will not be visible on your Dashboard

Once the star is highlighted in yellow, the course will display under your Dashboard.



Article ID: 8754
Fri 9/11/15 3:30 PM
Fri 8/2/24 12:18 PM