Project Financial Summary Report


How to navigate and run the Project Financial Summary report that provides a high level overview of any project including items such as funding amount, actual expenses, variance and total committed costs on a project.


This guide will cover:

Note: This report automatically downloads as an Excel Spreadsheet.



This report provide a quick summary of the project’s budget versus the actual expenditures to date and any outstanding committed costs. This is a great snapshot for a project and should be reviewed monthly to ensure projects stay on track with their expenditures.


Step One

Navigating to the Transactional Table of Contents

  • Navigate to WyoCloud and click on the Reporting Table of Contents tile.

Step Two

Running the Project Financial Summary Report

  • Under the "Grants Management - Awards and Projects" heading on the Table of Contents, select Project Financial Summary.

  • The report will begin to automatically run a list of data for all Project Financial Details and projects. Note: Wait until the report has produced a list of data before using any of the prompts.

Example – report completed with a full list of data:


Step Three

Narrowing Down the Project Financial Summary Report

  • You may use the following prompts to narrow the report to only show data relevant to your needs. We recommend prompting by project number, project organization, or principal investigator.

  • Note: in most cases, you can leave a prompt blank or leave the default in any prompts.

    • Project Number – project number

    • Project Organization – organization name of the department assigned to the project

    • Principal Investigator – principal investigator assigned to the project

    • Accounting Date From – beginning accounting date for the transactions

    • Accounting Date To – ending accounting date for the transactions

    • Transaction Date From – minimum transaction date

    • Transaction Date To – maximum transaction date

The Accounting Date is when the transaction is recognized and posted to the general ledger (GL). The Transaction Date is when you performed the transaction. For example, you may receive an order for supplies on March 25th but not post the payment to the GL until April 10th. The Transaction Date filter applies to all the fields containing a dollar amount.

  • When finished, click Apply.


Example – using the Project Organization prompt:


Step Four

Interpreting the Project Financial Summary Report

  • The following columns are included:

Column Name


Project Number

Project number assigned

Project Name

Name of project

Project Type

Type of project related to the grant (UW Grant, UW Grant Cost Share, UW Grant Cost Share – Foundation, UW Grant Cost Share – Indirect Cost, UW Grant Cost Share – Tire 1 Engineering, and UW Grant Cost Share – Unrestricted)

Project Status

Status of project (Active, Pending Close, Closed, Draft, or Submitted)

Project Start Date

The date of the project’s start

Project End Date

The date of the project’s end

Principal Investigator

The principal investigator (PI) assigned to the project

Project Organization

Organization name the project is assigned to

Grant Funding Type

Type of funding the project received (Federal Direct, Federal Pass-Through, Non-Federal, Indirect Costs, Designated, and Unrestricted). 

Project Funding Amount

Funding amount (i.e., budget amount) of the project

Project Committed Costs

Project committed costs

Project Actual Expenses

Actual expenses that have been fully processed and applied to the project

Available Balance

The variance between Project Funding Amount, Project Committed Costs, and Project Actual Expenses to provide a net amount of funding remaining (Project Funding – Committed Costs – Actual Expenses = Available Balance)


Step Five

Exporting the Data to Excel

  • The options to export and print are located on the top right side of the report:

    • Click on the gear icon

    • Hover over the Export option

    • Click on Excel (*xlsx)


This completes all the Running the Project Financial Summary Report Processes.



Article ID: 83805
Thu 7/25/19 3:56 PM
Mon 6/17/24 3:17 PM