Column Name
Project Number
Project number assigned
Project Name
Name of project
Project Type
Type of project related to the grant (UW Grant, UW Grant Cost Share, UW Grant Cost Share – Foundation, UW Grant Cost Share – Indirect Cost, UW Grant Cost Share – Tire 1 Engineering, and UW Grant Cost Share – Unrestricted)
Project Status
Status of project (Active, Pending Close, Closed, Draft, or Submitted)
Project Start Date
The date of the project’s start
Project End Date
The date of the project’s end
Principal Investigator
The principal investigator (PI) assigned to the project
Project Organization
Organization name the project is assigned to
Grant Funding Type
Type of funding the project received (Federal Direct, Federal Pass-Through, Non-Federal, Indirect Costs, Designated, and Unrestricted).
Project Funding Amount
Funding amount (i.e., budget amount) of the project
Project Committed Costs
Project committed costs
Project Actual Expenses
Actual expenses that have been fully processed and applied to the project
Available Balance
The variance between Project Funding Amount, Project Committed Costs, and Project Actual Expenses to provide a net amount of funding remaining (Project Funding – Committed Costs – Actual Expenses = Available Balance)