UWYO Events Calendar Submission Guidelines


Information about a calendar system available for websites


About the Calendar

UWYO Events is UW’s primary location for finding information about UW’s campus and statewide events and programming. All UWYO domain users can submit an event or program. The goal of UWYO Events is to improve the usability of the current calendar system so that our campus community and the state adopt UWYO Events as the one-stop shop to find UW programming.

We are introducing new features that do not currently exist in WyoCal. UWYO Events embraces an entirely new look and layout that is clean and user friendly. UWYO Events also adds a new reporting function that allows us to gather data on attendance numbers, audience type, funding, and funding sources that will help us understand the breadth of our statewide work, audience impact, and spending.

New features in UWYO Events:

  • Featured Events Section
  • UW homepage Mini-Calendar
  • Prominent Events link on UW web pages
  • Reporting Function


General Users - How to Use the Calendar

How do I find events/programs?

View the UWYO Events calendar at https://www.uwyo.edu/uw/calendar/.  Search events and programs using the filters in the sidebar or by keyword. Narrow down events to categories you are interested in by Event Type, County, and Audience, or search for departments or units using the keyword search box. Events may be displayed in Table, List, Month, Tile, or Map view.

How do I add an event to my personal calendar?

Click Add to My Calendar at the bottom of an event’s details page and select the appropriate calendar type (Outlook, Google, etc.) to add the event to your personal digital calendar, set up reminders, and request to be notified of event updates.

How do I create a direct link to an event's details page?

At the bottom of the event's details page, click Event Link to get a permanent, shareable link to use for email invitations, posters, and other publicity materials.

Note: Copying the URL from the browser's address bar will not give you a link to an event's details page. You must copy the Event Link URL to create a shareable link.

If the Event Link, from Trumba, is too long for printed materials or other needs, users with a UWYO domain account can request a shorter redirect here: https://www.uwyo.edu/webadmin/redirect.aspx.  

For example, the following could be created for an event: https://www.uwyo.edu/my-event. This URL then redirects to the Event Link generated by Trumba.

Submitting Events and Programs

Submit your events and programs to UWYO Events in order to share what you are doing with UW and the state. Entering complete information about your event will help provide UW with essential data on engagement and outreach activity.

Who can submit an event?

Any user with a UWYO domain account may submit events to the calendar. Events will be moderated and approved by a staff member in Central Scheduling or a specified department/unit moderator.

How do I submit an event?

Use the Add a New Event button on the left-hand side of the page to create an event. Fill out the UWYO Event Submission Form and then select Next at the bottom of the page. You will be redirected to a new web page to review your submission. After reviewing the event information, select Submit at the bottom of the page and your event will be sent to a moderator for approval. If you need to change something during the review phase, select Back.

            See more: Completing the UWYO Event Submission Form

What type of image should I submit with my event?

Images submitted to the calendar should follow these guidelines:

  • The recommended image size is 200 px by 113 px Maximum File Size 1MB
  • Allowable file types: BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and PNG
  • Images should be appropriate in content and relevant to the event

How do I add a map link?

UWYO Events will automatically attempt to add a map link for all event locations. For Laramie Campus locations, select a venue from the drop-down list or click Submit New Venue if your location is not listed. For Off-Campus events, enter a verifiable address, or landmark name with city and state, into the Address field.

If no address is available, or the address will not verify, use latitude/longitude coordinates. Enter coordinates into the Latitude/Longitude field in the following format: 41.314841, -105.560543. Coordinates are easily obtained using Google Maps (see the link below for instructions).

Once you have entered your event’s information on the UWYO Event Submission Form and moved on to the review window, click Map to verify whether your event location mapped correctly.

Note: Always test the map link before saving your event to ensure accuracy.

See more: How to get location coordinates in Google Maps


How do I request my event to be a “Featured Event”?

On the homepage of UWYO Events, we feature some of the most interesting and prominent events coming up on campus and around the state, representing the diversity of activity sponsored by the university. Central Scheduling staff select Featured Events from the events that have been submitted into the UWYO Events calendar system.

All events can be considered for inclusion as a Featured Event. If you want to recommend your event, choose “Yes” from the dropdown labeled “Recommended for Featured Events.” on the UWYO Event Submission Form.


How do I see all of my submitted events?

On the main calendar webpage, select My Events on the right-hand side.

Here, you may see both future and past events. Using the navigator in the upper right-hand corner, you may see your events, submissions, and UW calendars to which you have subscribed. In this navigation bar you may also change your settings or sign out. Under Submissions you can see if your event has been approved or not. You can also withdraw your event if you wish (if it has not yet been approved). Under Calendars you can see your current calendar subscriptions, subscribe, or unsubscribe.

How do I update or cancel an event after it has been submitted?

If the event has not yet been approved, you may withdraw the event from the calendar using the link in your confirmation email. This will remove it from the approval queue. A new event can then be created using the UWYO Event Submission Form

Once events are approved, they are no longer editable through the event submission form. Do not submit duplicate events. Please contact Central Scheduling or the moderator for your unit to update, cancel or delete an event after it has been approved.

Where Are the Department/Unit Calendars?

Since the new UWYO Events calendar includes all department/unit calendar events, users may search a single calendar for a particular department or unit. Department sub-calendars now used in WyoCal will be discontinued and removed from web pages. However, the UW Web Team is developing department-level calendar displays that can be integrated into department/unit web pages. For example, all events for the Chemistry Department could be displayed on the Chemistry Department web page. CMS site authors should contact the Web Team at UW Marketing Web Services (webhelp@uwyo.edu) for more information about this feature.


Completing the Event Submission Form

Every time you submit an event, you will need to fill in the details of the event. Every field marked with an asterisk (*) is required. The details gathered from this form help inform those interested in your event and provide valuable information for reporting.

Submitter Information: Your name and email address will automatically populate their given fields. The only field that needs to be filled in manually in this section is your phone number. Include area code for all phone numbers.

Event Information: Here, you will include the details of the event. If specific information fields are not present in this section, you may add that information in the event description text box at the end of the page.

Select Laramie Campus or Off-Campus: After selection, the screen will refresh and corresponding location fields will appear.

Event Title: Include a title for your event. If there is no title, choose something that represents the event. This will appear prominently at the top of the calendar entry.

Moderator:  Select a moderator (approver) from the drop-down list.  If you do not have a department/unit-level moderator, select "Central Scheduling," which is the default moderator for all events.  The moderator is responsible for reviewing your submission and approving (or declining) your event for the calendar.  The moderator also processes post-event reports.

Date and Time: Include the start and end date and time. If this is an all-day event, select the box next to All day. If this event repeats itself over the course of a year, month, semester, etc., select a repeat option (daily, weekly, monthly, annually). If you choose to select a Repeat option, select a date on which the event will cease to repeat.

Venue: For Laramie Campus locations, choose a venue from the drop-down list. Click Submit New Venue to enter a new venue not listed in the drop-down list.

Note: Always get prior approval for on-campus locations. Be aware that many outdoor spaces on the UW campus are prohibited for events due to safety or other reasons.

Latitude/Longitude (Optional): For Off-Campus locations, you may enter latitude/longitude coordinates to map a specific location that may not be recognized by the Google Maps program or when a verifiable address is not available. Enter latitude/longitude coordinates in this format: 41.314841, -105.560543. For further help on how to find your coordinates, see: How to the Get Latitude/Longitude Coordinates of a Place. If your event has a valid, verifiable address, then you do not need to enter latitude/longitude coordinates.

Address: Use this field to indicate the location of your event. This is linked to Google Maps. In order for the program to recognize your address, follow this template: Street, City/Town, State, Zip Code. For example: 365 N 9th St, Laramie, WY, 82072. Once entered, the address will be automatically reformatted and searched on Google Maps. In some cases, you may be able to enter a landmark with city and state. If your address is not found, make the necessary corrections or enter the latitude/longitude coordinates instead. A verifiable address will always override latitude/longitude coordinates.

Building and Room: If applicable, enter the building and the room in which the event will take place.

County: If the event is taking place in Wyoming, select the appropriate county. The screen will refresh and a corresponding list of city selections will appear. Select a city from the drop-down list. For events outside Wyoming, select Other. Be sure to enter your “Other” county in the designated field.

City: Select a city from the drop-down list. If selecting Other, enter Other City in designated field.

State: Wyoming is set as the default state. You may select a different state from the drop down menu.

Country: The United States is the default country. If your event takes place in a different country select it from the drop-down list or click Submit New Country to add a new country name to the list.

Event Type: Select the category that best describes the nature of your event. Most events and programming are represented by the available categories. If your event cannot be represented by one of these categories, you may select Other and enter a brief description in the Other Event Type field.

Recommended for Featured Events: Select “Yes” from the drop-down if you would like your event or program displayed in Featured Events. If approved by the moderator, your event will appear in the Featured Events slider at the top of the UWYO Events calendar page.

Event Speakers: You may list the speakers that will be at your event here. For multiple speakers, it is recommended that separate names with commas or use a bulleted list. If there are no speakers, leave this field blank.

Is it open to the general public? Select Yes if the event will be open to the general public. Select No for programs and events that serve a designated/specific audience or are invitation-only.

Audience: Select one or more audience types that apply to your event. Most events and programming are represented by the available categories. If you believe none of these categories accurately represent your event, you may select Other. Please use Other as infrequently as possible.

Sponsoring Organization: Use the drop-down menu to select a sponsoring UW organization. Allow the form to refresh, then select the sponsoring department or unit. This helps users with keyword searches when browsing the calendar page and is also important for reporting purposes.

Sponsoring Department/Unit: Use the drop-down menu to select a sponsoring department/unit.

Other Sponsoring Department/Unit: If you need to list a sponsoring organization or department/unit that is not listed above, please enter it here.

Sponsor Website: Use this field to enter a web page for the sponsoring organization or department/unit. Include the entire URL with protocol. For example, http://www.uwyo.edu/engage.

Is there a fee to attend?: Select Yes to indicate that there is a cost to attend your event. If Yes, enter the cost in the Fee To Attend field. Enter fees in US Dollars. You may enter ranges or list fee schedules as needed.

Contact Information: Enter the Contact Name, Phone, Email, and Department for this event. This information will be listed as the point of contact for more information about this event.

Additional Contact Info: Include additional contact names and information as needed.


Reporting Information: This section is for reporting purposes and will not appear on the calendar. Please provide anticipated cost, attendance and funding sources. After the event, you will be asked to provide actual values.

Anticipated Cost of Event: Enter what you believe this event will cost to produce.

Anticipated Number of Attendees: Enter how many attendees you believe will attend the event.

Funding Source(s): Select one funding source for each funding source field (if applicable). If you believe these options do not accurately represent the funding sources for this event, please fill out the Other Funding Sources field.

Funding Received: Please enter the amount of funding received from the respective funding source(s).

Co-Sponsor Information: If the event is being co-sponsored by another department or unit or a community partner, enter the Co-Sponsor Name, Email, Phone Number, and Website information in the designated fields.


Additional Event Information:

Add an event image: Click Browse to upload an image file. Allowable file types are BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and PNG. All submitted images will be previewed by the moderator. Approved images will be displayed on the calendar main page, the event details page, and may be used if the event is selected for Featured Events. Follow these guidelines for best results:

  • Image size 200 px by 113 px
  • Maximum File Size 1MB
  • Images must be appropriate in content and relevant to the event


Event Web Link: Use this field to provide a link to a website that contains additional information about your event. Include the entire URL with protocol. For example, http://www.uwyo.edu/engage. A Facebook or other social media link may be used.

Description: Provide a brief summary of your event here. Provide any additional details you think your audience needs to know such as parking locations or building entrances to use.

How to the Get Latitude/Longitude Coordinates of a Place

  1. On your computer or other device, open Google Maps. If you're using Maps in Lite mode, you’ll see a lightning bolt at the bottom and you won't be able to get the coordinates of a place.
  2. Right-click the place or area on the map.
  3. Select What's here?
  4. At the bottom, you’ll see a card with the coordinates.
  5. Click on the coordinates to open the side-bar.
  6. Copy and paste the coordinates from the side-bar to the “Latitude/Longitude” field in the Event Submission Form.
  7. Complete the submission form and click Next. Click on the Map link next to LATITUDE/LONGITUDE in the review window to confirm that the location mapped correctly.
  8. Proceed with submission, or click Back if mapping did not work correctly.




Article ID: 8253
Fri 8/7/15 2:51 PM
Thu 11/21/19 7:11 PM