Create a Text File Containing the Members of a List


Information about creating a text file containing the members of a list


A list of your current members can be displayed from the List Information page.


  1. Verify the list format and access settings.
    1. Log into the admin page for the list at (where list-name is the name of your list).

      Mailman List Administrator Authentication browser window
    2. Select Privacy Options and then scroll down the page to the last section, Membership exposure.

      Mailman List Administrator Authentication browser window

      Mailman List Administrator Authentication browser window

    3. Review the Who can view subscription list? setting. For most lists, the List admin only setting is most appropriate.
    4. Review the Show member addresses so they're not directly recognizable as email addresses? setting. Verify or set this option to No to display email addresses in form. If set to Yes, addresses are obscured and display in username at form.
    5. If you have made any changes, click Submit Your Changes.
    6. Select, from the rightmost set of links at the top of the page, Go to general list information page.
      You can also reach this page directly, without logging into the admin page, by entering the following in your browser:

      Mailman List Administrator Authentication browser window

    7. In the last section, List-name Subscribers, provide your email address and password in the Enter your address and password to visit the subscribers list: section and click Visit Subscriber List. A list of the members will be displayed.

      Mailman List Administrator Authentication browser window

  2. To use this list for mass removals, save the displayed email addresses into a file.
    1. Select the list from the web page display and paste it into a New Text document or other text document.

      Mailman List Administrator Authentication browser window
    2. If you are using the Firefox browser, there may be spaces, an asterisk and a space before each email address. These need to be removed before using the file. To remove the spaces and asterisk, in the text editor (Windows Notepad in this example) select and then copy the spaces before and after the asterisk up to but not including the first letter of the first address.

      Mailman List Administrator Authentication browser window

    3. From Edit, select Replace and paste the spaces, asterisk and space you previously copied,  into the Find what:box.
    4. Do not enter anything in the Replace with: box.
    5. Click Replace All to remove the spaces and asterisk from the beginnings of the lines.

      Mailman List Administrator Authentication browser window
    6. Save the file.

    You can now use this file to remove all members of your list in the Membership Management, Mass Removal section of the web page.

    See Replacing the Current Members of a Mailman List with New Members, above, for important information before proceeding.



Article ID: 7538
Fri 7/10/15 11:00 AM
Fri 2/26/16 2:14 PM