Removing subscribers through the web interface


Information on how to remove subscribers through a web interface


  1. Log into the list admin page at (where list-name is the name of your list).

    browser window

  2. In the Membership Management section, select Membership List.

    browser window

  3. Find the address of the individual that you would like to remove and check the box in the unsub column by the address that you would like to remove.

    browser window

  4. You can also remove or unsubscribe users using Mass Removal by entering a file name in the ...or specify a file to upload box or by clicking the Browse button to select the file. The file must be a plain text file containing one address per line. If you do not have such a file, you can create one. See Creating a Text File Containing the Members of a List.

    If you would like to send an unsubscription acknowledgment message to the unsubscribed members then make sure that the Yes button is checked for Send an unsubscription acknowledgment to the user?

    browser window

  5. Click the Submit your changes button near the bottom of the page to put the changes into effect.



Article ID: 7534
Fri 7/10/15 10:38 AM
Mon 2/1/16 2:23 PM