On the UWStudent Lab system we use a product called VMware DEM (Dynamic Environment Manager) to allows users to customize their use of lab nodes and have those customizations follow them from one lab computer to another. There are times when a users DEM profile for a specific program or their account needs to be reset. Below are instructions on how users can reset their account profile for individual programs.
1. Log into a UWStudent lab node
2. Go to the start menu and select - All Apps - Scroll to the "D" section, and under "DEM Self-Help" select "Self-Support"
3. In the Window that comes up, select the program that is causing problems and then hit the Reset button
4. When prompted, click Yes to the warning message that appears
5. You will receive verification that the settings for the selected program have been reset and you can either click Close or chose to Manage settings for another application
6. IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have reset the settings for all the applications you wish to reset you will need to log off and log back in for the settings to return to a default state.