Individual Compensation - DHR


If multiple funding sources are being used for the award, a separate individual compensation transaction must be entered for each funding source. For example, if supplemental pay is being awarded from two different funding sources, two individual compensation transactions must be submitted.


This guide will cover individual compensation awards, including:


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This guide details steps using WyoCloud HCM DHR Access.

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If you do not see the features outlined in this guide, your WyoCloud HCM DHR Access Training is most likely incomplete. Please contact to initiate a new DHR process.

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If multiple funding sources are being used for the award, a separate individual compensation transaction must be entered for each funding source. For example, if supplemental pay is being awarded from two different funding sources, two individual compensation transactions must be submitted.

For an individual compensation award to be reflected on the next payroll, it must be entered and fully approved by the payroll deadline. Please see the Payroll Services webpage for the full list of payroll deadlines.

If the individual compensation award is not fully approved or is submitted after the payroll deadline, it will be rejected, and you will need to resubmit the transaction before the following payroll deadline.

Step One

My Workforce                                                            

  • After logging in to WyoCloud HCM, click on the Navigation Menu designated by the 3-horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner.

  • Click on the arrow next to the My Workforce module.

  • Click on the Person Management application.

Step Two

Person Management

  • Once in the Person Management application, the Search page will display.
  • Here you can search for employees within your Area of Responsibility.
    • To search for an employee, enter at least one of the fields marked with a double asterisk (**).
      • For accuracy, the employee’s name or person number are recommended.
    • Please note the Effective As-of Date when conducting employee searches as this field will affect the search results.  
  • Click on Search, when finished.

  • Once you have located the desired employee, hover your cursor over the person’s name and click on the orange oval with three white dots, which appears on the right-hand side of the employee’s name.

  • A pop-up window will appear with the employee’s basic information.
  • Click on Compensation on the left-hand side.  
  • Once selected, click on Individual Compensation within the adjacent menu that appears.

Step Three

Additional Compensation

  • Once you have clicked on Individual Compensation, subsequent compensation information sections will appear.
  • In Additional Compensation, any forms of compensation the employee is currently receiving will be displayed within the section.
  • Click on +Add to include an additional compensation award.

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Please see the Compensation Plans and Options Appendix at the end of this guide for a description of each award and if supplemental information and/or documentation are required.


  • Once you have clicked on +Add, a subsequent Additional Compensation section will appear.
  • In this section, select the appropriate Plan and Option from the drop-down menus.
  • Additional fields will automatically populate based on your selections.
  • These fields will depend on how you initially categorized the individual compensation award, with two exceptions:
    • Start Date: The start date will automatically default to the current date.
      • However, the start date can be adjusted to a future date only.
      • If the individual compensation award needs to be retroactive, that start date should be indicated in the following Comments and Attachments section.
    • Amount: Enter the amount of the additional individual compensation award.
      • Please note that if the award is recurring, the amount will be disbursed monthly.
      • If you are selecting a recurring amount, two additional options appear:
        • Ongoing Checkbox: This option is automatically checked by default.
          • If left checked, award payments will be disbursed each month indefinitely.
          • Please uncheck this box if the award payment has a defined end date.
        • End Date: If the ongoing option is unchecked, a field will appear where an end date for the award payment can be entered.
          • Please complete the additional field accordingly.
  • Click on OK, when finished.

  • Please ensure that the new Additional Compensation award information is correct.
  • If correct, click on Continue.

Step Four

Comments and Attachments

  • In the Comments section, please include the following information:
    • Costing String
    • Justification for the Additional Compensation.
    • Start Date (only if a retroactive start date is required).
    • Supplemental Information, if required.
  • In the Attachments section, please click on the hyperlink to upload required documentation.

  • Once all Comments and Attachments have been included, click on Submit in the upper right-hand corner.

Step Five

Edit or Discontinue an Award

  • In the Additional Compensation section, click on the pencil icon on the right-hand side of the award that you would like to edit or discontinue.

  • Never click on Delete.

  • To edit the award date, click on the calendar icon within the Start Date field to select a new compensation date.
  • To edit the compensation amount, please enter the revised total in the Amount field.
  • Please ensure that the revised Additional Compensation award information is correct.
  • If correct, click on OK.

  • To change an award’s end date or to discontinue an award, click on the calendar icon within the End Date field to select a revised date. 
  • Please ensure that the revised Additional Compensation award information is correct.
  • If correct, click on OK.

  • If there is currently no End Date, you will need to uncheck the Ongoing box under End Date.
  • Once the box is unchecked, click on the calendar icon within the End Date field to select a revised date to change or discontinue an award. 
  • Please ensure that the revised Additional Compensation award information is correct.
  • If correct, click on OK.

  • Please ensure that the revised Additional Compensation award information is correct.
  • If correct, click on Continue.

  • In the Comments section, please include the following information:
    • Costing String
    • Justification for the Additional Compensation, Change, or Discontinuation of award.
    • Start Date (only if a retroactive start date is required).
    • Supplemental Information, if required.
  • In the Attachments section, please click on the hyperlink to upload required documentation.

  • Once all Comments and Attachments have been included, click on Submit in the upper right-hand corner.

Compensation Plans and Options Appendix

  • Below is a table of the UW Compensation Plans and Options currently available.




All Employees


Given from a nomination or competition for excellent service (Ellbogen GA Award, Ellbogen Teaching Award, Outstanding Staff Award).

Award - Gross-Up

Same as Award, except the amount indicated, is the NET amount the employee is to receive instead of a gross amount.


The Latin word Honorary means “gift.” Therefore, an honorarium is a small compensation award (a faculty member might receive an honorarium for giving a speech for an organization).

Honorarium - Gross Up

Same as Honorarium, except the amount indicated, is the NET amount the employee is to receive instead of a gross amount.

Moving Allowance

Moving allowances are offered to newly hired university employees with prior written approval by the hiring department and are submitted using individual compensation awards. Moving allowances may not exceed 1/12 of the hire’s annual salary. The offer letter with the moving allowance noted should be attached to the transaction.

Athletic Supplemental Pay

Incentive Pay

One-time payment for items such as tennis lessons, bowl games, or GPA incentives.

Incentive Pay - Recurring

Monthly payments for items such as Guaranteed Annual Compensation.

Benefited AY Supplemental Pay

Grant Funded Supplemental Pay –

AY Faculty

Extra compensation paid from Project (Grant) funding for Internal Funded Research.

Grant Funded Supplemental Pay - Gross-Up

Same as Grant Funded Supplemental Pay – AY Faculty, except the amount indicated, is the NET amount the employee is to receive instead of a gross amount.

Grant Funded Supplemental Pay - External Funded Research

Extra compensation paid from Project (Grant) funding for External Funded Research.

Grant Funded Supplemental Pay - Outreach Instruction

Extra compensation paid from Project (Grant) funding for Outreach Instruction.

Supplemental Pay –

AY Faculty

Extra compensation paid from Non-Project (Grant) funding for Internal Funded Research.

Supplemental Pay -Gross-Up

Same as Supplemental Pay – AY Faculty, except the amount indicated, is the NET amount the employee is to receive instead of a gross amount.

Supplemental Pay - External Funded Research

Extra compensation paid from Non-Project (Grant) funding for External Funded Research.

Supplemental Pay - Outreach Instruction

Extra compensation paid from Non-Project (Grant) funding for Outreach Instruction.

Benefited Employee Supplemental Pay

Car Allowance

Extra compensation for the purchase and maintenance of a personal vehicle in lieu of an employer-provided vehicle.

Housing Allowance

Extra compensation for personal housing in lieu of employer-provided housing.

Supplemental Pay

One-time compensation for work that is in addition to the employee’s regular duties (pay for teaching classes or performing other professional duties). Requires a written exception request from the employee’s supervisor, approved by the employee’s vice president, which justifies the request and verifies that all conditions of UW Regulation 5-3 are adhered to.

Supplemental Pay - Recurring

Recurring compensation for work that is in addition to the employee’s regular duties (pay for teaching classes or performing other professional duties). Requires a written exception request from the employee’s supervisor, approved by the employee’s vice president, which justifies the request and verifies that all conditions of UW Regulation 5-3 are adhered to.

Temporary Increase

One-time payment. See the Temporary Increase Details table below for further details.

Temporary Increase - Recurring

Recurring payment. See the Temporary Increase Details table below for further details.

Mobile Communication Device

Mobile Communication Device - Recurring

Recurring compensation in the form of a taxable MCD allowance, for an employee whose regular duties necessitate an MCD. Requires an attached MCD Form to the transaction.

Non-Benefited Employee Supplemental Pay

One-Time Increase - Non-Benefited Employees

Temporary or a one-time compensation award for a non-benefited employee.

Physician Support

Physician Support Payment

Extra compensation to offset student loans for Family Residency Physicians.


Temporary Increases Appendix



Temporary Increase - Classified


Upon written notification to Human Resources, an appointing authority may temporarily assign an employee the duties of a different position with a higher pay grade, which has been vacated by reason of an incumbent’s extended leave or termination.

  • Such assignments may not exceed one year.
  • An employee temporarily assigned for less than thirty (30) calendar days shall receive no change in salary.
  • An employee temporarily assigned duties with the same or lesser pay grade shall receive no change in salary.
  • If the temporary assignment exceeds thirty (30) calendar days, and if the pay grade for the temporary assignment is higher than the pay grade of the employee’s regular position, the employee’s salary may be temporarily increased.
    • However, the employee’s temporary salary is not to exceed the same relative percentage above the minimum currently held by the incumbent or up to the pay grade matrix midpoint of the new pay grade.
    • In no case will the temporary salary be below the minimum or above the maximum of the pay grade for the classification that the employee is temporarily assuming duties.


Temporary Increase - Faculty

A temporary increase in salary rate may be recommended for a faculty member or a university officer appointed to perform the duties and responsibilities of a faculty member or university officer who will be absent for two months or more, but less than two years.

  • Temporary increases for a faculty member or a university officer for up to four months may be authorized by the president upon the recommendation of the cognizant vice president.
  • Temporary increases for a faculty member or a university officer for a period of more than four months require authorization from the Trustees of the University.

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Please visit the Human Resources Department’s Classification and Compensation webpage for current classification and compensation resources. If you should need any assistance, please email




Article ID: 69455
Wed 1/2/19 1:59 PM
Wed 3/12/25 11:24 AM