There may be times when a department or individual needs to share their email account so that other individuals can assist in answering email sent to that account, scheduling events in the calendar, or accessing specific contacts saved in that account.
Email only account permissions are managed by IT. If you find that you don't have permissions to an account, please request that access by emailing
Adding an Exchange Only Account
- Right click on your email address in the navigation pane.

- Select Add shared folder or mailbox.

- Search for the email you want to add and select it from the drop down menu. Click Add.

- The mailbox will appear under Shared with me in the navigation pane.

Sending Emails from an Exchange Only Account
- Open Outlook Settings with the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.

- Navigate to Mail, then Compose and Reply. Check the box next to Always show From. Click Save, then close settings.

- Now if you compose a new email, you will see a From box to select what account you want to send the email from. If you do not see the email you want to send from, select Other email addresses.

- Search for the account you want to send the email from, and click it in the drop down menu. After sending an email from that account, the account should show up at the top of the drop down menu next time.