Disabling Hibernation in Windows


This article provides steps necessary to disable hibernation for the purpose of preserving the SAM file when resetting local admin passwords with Windows PE software tools.


Disabling hibernation in Windows 

Note: You may lose data if you make hibernation unavailable and a power loss occurs while the hybrid sleep setting is turned on. When you make hibernation unavailable, hybrid sleep does not work.

Step 1.) Turn off the hybrid sleep setting

  • Run windows command prompt with admin privileges  
  • In the terminal type: powercfg -h off
  • Press enter

Step 2.) Disable hibernation

  • In the command prompt with admin privileges type powercfg.exe /hibernate off
  • press enter

Step 4.)To turn the hybrid sleep setting on. (this is essentially the same process as steps 1 and 2 just replace “off” with “on”)

  • Run windows command prompt with admin privileges  
  • In the terminal type: powercfg -h on
  • Press enter

Step 5.) Re-enable hibernation

  • In the command prompt with admin privileges type powercfg.exe /hibernate on