Add Assignee to Worklist Approvals


How an approver in a Requisition or Offer approval chain can add an additional approver to a workflow.


Step One

Upon signing into WyoCloud from WyoWeb, navigate to the BPM (Business Process Monitor) Worklist. There are multiple ways to access the Worklist.

Bell icon worklist access:

  • Click on the Bell icon at the top of the page.

  • This will display the most recent items added to your worklist.  It is recommended to click Show All to view all items needing your attention.

Things to Finish worklist access:

  • Towards the bottom of the main WyoCloud homepage you will see a section called Things to Finish.  This area allows for quick access into individual items needing your attention. 
  • Individual items needing your attention will appear as cards in this area.  You can click on the hyperlinked item Title to expand full details of the transaction.
  • Alternatively, you can click on the number below Assigned to Me to view items in a list.


Notifications worklist access

  • Upon clicking Show More from the bell icon or the Assigned To Me number from Things to Finish, you will see the full Notifications list. Here you can see all items needing your attention.  To review and take action on one, click on the item Title.


  • An Approval pop-up window for the transaction will display.


Step Two

  • To add an additional approver to a transaction approval chain, click on the Actions drop-down in the top right corner of the Approval window, and select Add Assignee.

  • Select the row where you want to add an approver to the approval chain.

  • Click the plus symbol (+)  in the upper left corner to add an approver.

  • Click the Magnifying Glass icon next to the User box to search for the user you want to add.

  • Enter the search criteria and click Search.
    • Select the user you want to add.
    • Click OK.

  • Indicate if the user should be added above or below the selected approval row, and indicate if the user should receive FYI Only notifications.
    • Click OK.

If FYI Only is selected, the added user will receive an FYI notification under their Bell icon and will not be required to take approval action on the transaction. If FYI Only is not selected, the added user must take approval action on the transaction before it will progress in the approval chain.

  • You can see the user has been added to the approval chain.

  • Click Apply to save the change.

Once you click Apply, you cannot add additional approvers. If you need to add other approvers to the approval chain, repeat the above steps before you click Apply.

  • Click OK to exit.

You have completed the steps to Add an Adhoc Approver to a Workflow.



Article ID: 137206
Thu 12/9/21 3:52 PM
Mon 6/17/24 3:17 PM