Work-Study Hire Process


Creating a work study job requisition. Progressing the work study hires through the offer process.


This guide will cover:

  • Creating a work study job requisition.
  • Progressing the work study hires through the offer process.

IMPORTANT - Below is the information you need to create a job requisition. Requisitions cannot be edited once they have been saved, so it is recommended to gather this information beforehand. You will need the following information to create a requisition:

  • The position number
  • Full job description
  • Supervisor of the position
  • Search committee members who will assist in the interview or search process


**Once you click Save and Close, you will not be able to edit the job requisition.

Step One

Create the Job Requisition

  • Sign into WyoCloud from WyoWeb. 
  • From the Home page, navigate to My Team, then click the Hiring icon.

  • From the Job Requisitions page, click Add in the upper right corner to create a requisition.

  • Step 1- How
    • Leave Requisition Type as is, this field auto populates. 
    • In the *Use field select Position. 
    • Leave the *Business Unit field as is, this field auto populates. 
    • Select the appropriate position in the *Position field. It is best to type in the specific position number, but you can also search by title or department.
    • Once you have identified the correct position, highlight the position details, and click Continue.

  • An Information box will appear to confirm values that correspond to the correct Position Template have been updated. 
  • Click Continue to proceed.

  • Step 2 Basic Info
    •  Verify the Requisition Title defaulted correctly based on the position you previously selected. 
      • You may add a dash (-) with additional clarification on the requisition title. 
        • Example:  Work Study – Wood Shop
    • Number of Openings this will auto populate to Limited and 1.
      • You can change to reflect the number of positions you need.
    • Select the best Business Justification that describes why this job is being posted.
    • Click Continue to proceed.

  • Step 3 Hiring Team
    • Hiring Manager = Supervisor.  Please note the Hiring Manager field will auto populate to whomever is creating the requisition but needs to reflect the supervisor of the position.  Be sure to update as necessary.

Please note:  If the Hiring Manager field is updated, you will receive the following Warning.

  • Please select No.  By selecting Yes, the department associated with the position number will be changed to match the Hiring Manager’s information, which is not desired at this time. 

In the*Recruiter field type ORC Admin Contingent Worker

  • There are several Collaborator types, select the appropriate type from the dropdown values and enter their name in the field that appears.

  • Collaborator:  Member of the team that may need to have access to the requisition but is not on the search committee.
  • Hiring Manager Assistant:  Individual designated by hiring manager to assist with the system administrative tasks associated with the search process.  
    • Please note:  If you did change the Hiring Manager field, you’ll need to add yourself as a Hiring Manager Assistant.
  • Recruiter Assistant: For all work study positions, please add Ronda Jackson from Student Financial Aid.
  • Decentralized Human Resources (DHR) Representative: DHR for hiring area that may need to view the requisition or ability to track the requisition’s progress.
  • Search Chair: Member managing the search, if different from the Hiring Manager.
  • Search Committee: Member of the search committee, or participant that will be reviewing applications, part of the interviews or a deciding member of the team.
  • Workflow Approver:  A team member that is not within manager hierarchy that may be required to review/approve the requisition and/or offer during the process.  Note:  This will be reviewed and populated by a Recruiter.

To add additional collaborators, repeat the previous step to add a different type or click the blue hyperlink under the collaborator you just added for more of the same.

  • Click Continue to proceed.


  • Step 4 Requisition Structure
    • Recruiting Type will auto populate based on the position you selected in Step 1.  Verify the information is correct.
    • Primary Location will default to the United States; no action required.
      • Please note:  Jobs not located on the main campus in Laramie will need to have language in the Posting Description (Step 6) identifying where the job will be located.
    • Click Continue to proceed.

  • Step 5 Details
    • Job Shift: Normal shift for this position.
    • Direct Hire:  Indicate whether this will be a direct hire.
    • Direct Hire/Exception to Posting Name:  Type the name of the individual being hired by Direct Hire or Exception to Posting.
    • Period of Hire: Indicate the appropriate period of hire.  Note: only one may be selected.
    • Requires Background Check:  A Background Check is required for all employees that meet certain job-related criteria.  Please see our Background Check Policy.
      • Background checks will be required for those hired into position in which any of the following work is involved:
        • Handling financial, student, or personnel data or information.
        • Confidential or sensitive data or information.
        • Handling cash, checks, and/or credit card transactions.
        • Providing services to anyone under age 18.
        • Possessing keys/codes or other means of entry to living or workspaces.
        • Working with hazardous materials.
      • Note: Employees cannot start work until the background check is completed if one is required.
    • Requires Motor Vehicle Check:  A Motor Vehicle Records (MVR) check is required for all employees that will drive for UW business.  The MVR policy can be found here.
    • Pay Basis:  Non-Benefited Hourly Rate
    • Pay Basis Amount: It is recommended you enter the BUDGETED salary for this position.
    • Posted Salary Range:  Salary range displayed on the job posting visible for candidates to see.  This should be reflective of the available budget you have for this position.
    • Schedule (Hours Per Week):  Hours worked per week.
    • Click Continue to proceed.

  • Step 6 Posting Description
    •  Internal Short Description – Add a short description of the position to grab applicant’s attention.  This should be 2-4 sentences.
    • Internal Description – This will auto populate with a template that needs to be reviewed and updated. 
      • Review the job description and clarify minimum qualifications, add desired qualifications and any additional required materials needed.
        • Please specify what minimum experience is required.
      • Please do not delete or change template header – only information within the brackets {information} should be updated.
    • For work study positions, do not remove the eligibility statement under Other Requirements.
    • Confirm the “Same Description for Internal and External” box is checked as this eliminates the need to populate both an internal and external job description.
    • Click Continue to proceed.

  • Step 7 Offer Info
    • Both Department and Primary Work Location will auto populate based on organizational information.  Verify the information is correct.
    • Click Continue to proceed.

  • Step 8 Attachments
    • Please attach any applicable documentation. 
      • Examples include:
        • Direct Hire Supporting Documentation
        • Direct Hire Candidate Resume
        • Direct Hire Unit Organizational Chart
    • Click Continue to proceed.


  • Step 9 Questionnaires
    • This block auto populates the required Internal and External Prescreening Questionnaires.
    • Click the drop-down arrow in the box under Add Question to add additional Internal or External Prescreening Questions from the pre-approved library. 
      • You can start typing a keyword to find associated library questions to select from. 
        • If you add a question to the Internal section, you will need to add the same question to the External section as well.
    • Disregard the Interview Questionnaire section.

  • You can review the information at any step by clicking the Edit button.

To submit the job requisition to HR for review, click Save and Close at the top of the page.

  • Once saved, a Recruiter will review and route for approvals.

**Important:  Once you click Save and Close, you will not be able to edit your requisition, so be sure all the information is accurate before clicking Save and Close.

You have completed the steps to Creating a Work Study Job Requisition.


This concludes the first segment of the Work Study Job Requisition process. Unless noted as a direct hire, the requisition will be posted for sourcing.  The remaining steps relate to progressing the candidate pool.

Step Two

Candidate Application

All work study applications will be processed through an eligibility check via integration with Banner.  Only applicants that pass this check can be considered for hire.

  • To locate the application, go to the Job Requisitions page
    • This displays all requisitions you currently have access to.
  • Locate the desired requisition and click on the Requisition Title

  • From the Requisition Overview screen, click on the number for Screen (Requires Approval) – To be Reviewed by Hiring Manager. This will display the list of applicants that should be considered.

  • Click on the Applicant’s name to open their application.

  •  Applicant details are provided in the application blocks down the middle of the page. Expand each section by clicking on the expand/collapse arrow. Other application information can be viewed by using the navigation on the left.

  • Please note the Questions tab includes answers to the required UW application questions such as veteran status and conviction-related information.
    • NOTE: Applicants cannot be screened out based on the answers to these questions. If you have questions/concerns, contact a Recruiter (; 307-766-2377).
  • To view required attachments, click on the Attachments tab. These attachments can include the cover letter, resume/CV, and other supplemental documents.
    • NOTE: It is best to select List under the View dropdown. This way you can easily see all attachments and download them to share with the search committee.


  • When you finish reviewing a candidate, you can navigate to the next candidate by clicking the Next button at the top of the page.  You can also click Previous to review the previous candidate.

  • Once a candidate is identified for interview, email to advance candidate status in the system.

Step Three

Interview and Determine Top Candidate(s)

  • The Hiring Manager/Assistant will schedule and conduct interviews outside the system.
  • Once a top candidate(s) is determined, the Hiring Manager/Assistant is responsible for communicating the verbal offer of employment outside the system.  This typically occurs over the phone or via email. Email and indicate if the verbal offer was accepted or declined.
    • Please ensure you follow HR’s posted guidelines to determine a start date.



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Sun 3/7/21 10:59 PM
Mon 6/17/24 3:17 PM