Changes to the Registration Process


Below are instructions to show you how to registrar for classes.  

  1. Log into the Students section of WyoRecords.

  1. At the top of the screen, you will see the admission checklist of items that need to be completed.  Use the links in the checklist to complete the items.  The links will open in another tab to make it easy to go back and look at the checklist at any time.

Once you have all the checklist items complete, you will be able to register for classes.

  1. You can then click Registration in the Menu list at the bottom of the screen with the checklist or by clicking the 4 squares in the upper left corner, then WyoRecords, and then Registration.  Either of these menus will take you to registration.


Browse Classes

  1. You can then click Browse Classes to look through the class list.

This is also searchable by year or term.

  1. Here you can search for the class by the course name or course code.  You can also search by Keyword, the Campus the course is on, or the Instructional Method, such as online.

If you do an Advanced Search, you can search by Instructor, additional Keywords, Attributes such as the requirement the course fulfills, the Level the course is taught at, the Building it is taught in, the College, the Department, the Type of course that it is such as a lecture or lab, what Part of the Term the course is taught, or when the course is held.

When you have the parameters you want selected, click Search.

  1. Then you will see the Course Name, Subject Descriptions, Course Numbers, Section Numbers, the Instructor, Meeting Times, and the Status

You can use the gear to edit what information is displayed here.

If you hover over the Meeting Times, you can see the building and the room as well as the day and the times of day the class meets.

If you hover over the status, you can see if the course is waitlisted or if it is linked with another course. 

  1. To see linked sections, click the course Title and then select Linked Sections on the side menu.

On the Class Details window, you can also find information on Books, Attributes, Corequisites, Prerequisites to see if there are other course that need to be taken with or before this course.

  1. Click Search Again, change any elements of the search, and click Search again to find a new list of courses.

  1. Back on Registration page, you can click Browse Course Catalog to see general information about a course, but will not show you specifics like meeting times.


Plan Ahead

  1. Also from the Registration page, you can click Plan Ahead to be taken to the plans page.

Select the term and click Continue.

Any plans you have created or plans your advisor has created for you will show up here.  You can click on the Title of any course to see its information.  You can also edit or delete plans here.

  1. Click Create a New Plan to create a new plan.

Search for a class to start the plan.  This page has three main windows.  At the top you will see Find Classes, which will allow you search for classes for this term.  The bottom left will show you the schedule you currently have for this term.  The bottom right will show you the status of the classes you have for this term. The Find Classes search works the same as the Course Search described above. You can View the Sections for the course by selecting View Sections.

  1. Click Add Course to add the course to your plan.  When you do that, the status of course will say pending because you are not yet registered for the course.  Click the note icon to add a note to the planned course.  You can also add a note to the entire plan.

  1. You can then save your plan and give it name. Click Save Plan.



Register for Classes

  1. Click Register for Classes. Select a term and click Continue.

  1. You will then see a registration checklist.  If you have any items to complete on this checklist, complete those. Then click the link for Register for Classes.

  1. This page has the same panels that the Plans page does with the classes that you are search for above, the schedule on the bottom left, and the class summary on the bottom right.  The class search works just as explained above.  You can register for classes if they still have seats available or you can add them to your waitlist.  Click Add to register for a course.

The course will show in the bottom right pane with the status of Pending and it will say Action Registered via Web.  You will need to click Submit before this change is actually finalized.  If you would like to Drop or Withdraw, you would change the status in the lower right pane, but you will need to click Submit before the change is finalized. Once you click submit, the window will reload and it will show you what has changed.

  1. If you cannot register for class because you need department approval or another requirement, you get a notification in the upper right hand corner.  You will also get a status message that says Errors Preventing Registration.  If you hover over that message, it will tell us the error specifically.  This will also happen if you have a scheduling conflict or if the course is currently full.


View Registration Information

  1. Click View Registation Information.  

  1. This will start with the oldest term you have been enrolled at the Universary, so you may need to scroll down on the term list to get to the current term.  Here it will show all of the current courses you are registered for as well as the schedule.

  1. If you click on Schedule Details, you will get a detailed version of schedule with specifics of courses listed out.

  1. In the upper right hand corner, you can email the schedule to you as a calendar file.  You can also print this schedule by clicking the print icon.

Any page with the icon below is resizable.  Click the arrows to enlarge one section of the page and then click the circle in the center to resize the sections back to the way they were at the beginning.



Article ID: 11059
Wed 2/3/16 5:19 PM
Thu 8/15/24 11:55 AM



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Wed 2/3/16 3:21 PM