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Services or Offerings?
IT Maintenance has certified technicians to provide Warranty Assistance and Parts/Labor services for institutionally-owned computers and laser printers.

Information about computer labs on campus

Help with antivirus software

Setting up a new computer

Information about computer labs located across campus

Information to request quotes on computers from Dell or HP.

The UWSTUDENT Remote Lab System is a collection of lab computers that are designed to be accessed from a remote network connection.

Training on Microsoft and Adobe Software.

The Information Technology Service Center and ResNet are services that Information Technology provides to help students, faculty, and staff with personal computers and mobile devices.

Requesting information about general training questions

This is the process for adding a computer to the UW domain.

How to get help in a computer lab

How to request software for computer labs on campus

Installing Microsoft Office on a UW owned computer

Purchasing Adobe for a UW computer